We've got a brand new feature in your email arsenal that's gonna make your sales sing (and wallets jingle)! 🛎️
Here's the scoop:
Ever wanted to showcase the "Compare at" prices from your Shopify store directly in your emails? Well, fret no more! Now you can, with our
customizable "Compare at" price option!
How it works:
  1. Got a product with a juicy "Compare at" price in Shopify? We see you!
  2. Hop into your email editor and enable the new "Compare at" price option. ✨
  3. Bam!
    We'll automatically display the original price with a stylish strikethrough, and showcase your amazing discounted price in all its glory.
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Why you'll love it:
Boost Conversions:
Who can resist a good deal, right? Showcasing that sweet discount price will entice customers and make them more likely to hit "buy." ➡️
Stand Out in the Inbox:
Stand out from the crowd with visually appealing price comparisons. Your emails will be the talk of the town (or inbox)!
Effortless Setup:
It's as easy as flipping a switch! No code required, just pure marketing magic. 🪄✨
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to your email editor and start slashing those (virtual) prices! Let's turn those email opens into epic sales!